Tuesday, September 20, 2016

DIY wall mount for your TV!

Years ago we bought a wall mount for our TV at Ikea for $7. Unfortunately in one of our moves we lost a part or two and it became unusable. I was really bummed because to get that kind of deal on a wall mount for your TV is unheard of! Luckily, Damien found this link to a DIY wall mount. This works out awesome & is really easy to do. You can check out the link here.

I still need to get something to hide the cords and eventually the chest will be moved into Amelia's room, but for now, it's working out great.

I don't think I've showed any photos of our living room. It's definitely not done because we don't have any trim up and some of the light switch covers are still missing, but it's comfy and we're getting there.  It's hard to get a photo of the whole thing at once. 

Our lazy dog would not move for the picture. 

Another project I'd like to do some day is do something with this door. I took it down from our house next door because it was about to fall out, and I thought it was neat and could be used for something. I thought about photos, but now I'm thinking about maybe having Abigail and my nieces and nephews create some type of artwork to put behind the glass. I think it would be sweet to have some artwork from each of them. 

What do you think I should do with it? 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

"Determined people working together can do anything"

I haven't posted in a little over 2 weeks because things have been kind of hectic these past few weeks. We are unable to get a lot of the cosmetic stuff done around the house because we keep having other issues that need addressed. Most recently we found our sewer line was clogged. We found this out because there was toilet paper all over our yard one morning and our basement was full of .... you know what.

Thankfully I have a husband who isn't afraid to work hard and figure things out and he was able to get the clog with some help from the internet and some advice from my brother Adam. It took 2 days, an auger rental, several trips to the hardware store, and most likely longer than it would have taken a professional, but our clog is fixed and our basement has been pumped out. Next we will need to thoroughly clean it out, which will probably happen this weekend.

Now that we live here it's hard at times to get things done. We both thought it would be easier but every day life gets in your way. Abigail going to school, the baby, work, and just the regular chores tend to tire you out in a day. By the end of the day, it's hard to work on projects around the house. But we try to make it a point to spend a little time each day on something.

I've been grouting the kitchen floor a little at a time, in the evenings or while Amelia is napping. It's finally down to being about 3/4 of the way done.

The next project will be our stairs. They are currently pretty nasty looking and we always have to wear slippers or shoes when going up and down them. I haven't figured out what to do with them yet, but I've seen some options of using fabric which look kinda neat.

As you can see our dining room is basically non-existent at this point.  We don't have any furniture for it so it is just being used basically as a storage area for tools and other miscellaneous stuff around the house. The floors still aren't done either.

Remodeling a house while living in it with 2 kids certainly has its challenges. I hung these two pictures up in our kitchen. I know it might not seem like much, but it's a constant reminder to me to keep a positive attitude. Sometimes I want to be miserable, yell at Damien, and just cry because our life feels like a huge mess right now. But I have to remember that all this will one day pass and everything we are doing is to benefit our family.  We have shelter, we're safe, and we're together. That's all that matters.  We will soon have a nice, organized, pretty house and not be in debt. 

