It is the thing we work hardest for that will reward us the most.
It was a tiring, yet quite productive weekend at our house. It feels good to start Monday off feeling like none of the weekend was wasted. Damien spent a good part of Friday and all day Saturday at the house and then we went together (thanks to my parents for watching our kids) on Sunday for several hours.Right now we have someone working there to demo. They showed up again on Saturday despite us thinking they wouldn't so that was exciting. Two of the three bedrooms upstairs are cleared out now. Unfortunately we filled up the dumpster already so demo has come to a temporary halt until we get an empty dumpster there again.
The room pictured above is the room facing the street that will be our room. I forgot to take another photo of it but I cleaned it all out yesterday to get ready for the demo.
The dining room is also almost complete. I knocked down the ceiling on Sunday. There is just a little bit more that needs done but we had a guy come look at our windows so I wasn't able to finish up yesterday.
I hope that after we finish the demo that I never have to see another piece of lath again in my entire life. I hate it.
Another thing we worked on was cleaning up the outside. We got a hefty fine because of the side porch so we completely tore it out and also cleaned up everything. Next weekend we need to clean up the last of some trash out there and get some plywood over the stairway to the basement. We are not rebuilding the porch because that is going to be enclosed and become a small half bath.
Below is what it looks like now. If you check out the post The other house you can see how it used to look when we bought the house and then how it looked when we originally tore out the porch (which wasn't good enough for the borough)
My arms, back, legs, and everything else is really sore today, but things are getting done and that is really exciting. As sore as we are today, Damien and I both wished this morning we could go back and do some more today. I'm happy that the days are getting longer and warmer because that means he will be able to go there after work during the week instead of just on the weekends.
I've been daydreaming about the day that I can design the kitchen. Isn't this one so pretty?
I found that one on Cabinets to Go. They have some really great kitchens and supposedly a lot of shows use Kitchen Crashers. I need to order a sample of their cabinets to get an idea of the quality.
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