Saturday, August 8, 2015

How Did We Get Here?

I know what you're thinking..... "how did this even happen?"

Several months ago my husband and I sat talking one evening. Our house payment per month is an embarrassing $1,250.00. With all of our utilities including water, sewer, trash, electric, gas, etc. We are paying somewhere in the ballpark of $1700-$1800 per month just to live in our house. We wondered ... how would we ever truly own a home?  No banks. No mortgage. No monthly payments. How would we ever get to that point in our lives?  

It was then that my husband began thinking completely outside of the box. 

Within about six weeks we owned a home. Free and clear. Granted, it's the ugliest house on the street, but my husband had found a way for us to purchase a home in cash - no banks, no mortgage involved. It was a home that went up for tax sale.  We knew we were taking a huge risk, but looked the house over several times and felt it was structurally sound so we went ahead with the purchase. When we finally received the deed we broke into the house and Damien began working on it right away. We were so excited. He started knocking down walls and clearing out all the junk left behind.

A few weeks had passed and there we were again, sitting down having another conversation about money. How will we ever afford to do all the work that this house we purchased needs? The home has to undergo a total remodel. Every wall has to come down to put in new electric. Every wall needs to be put back up - and that is just scratching the surface! What will we do? 

Then it was time to think outside of the box again. That is when we decided it was time to make a drastic change. We simply could not afford to live in our large,development, cookie-cutter house and continue down the financial path we were on and be able to ever fix up our house to the point we could live in it. That is when the 1970 mobile home came in to our lives. We bought a second home that was also basically unlivable. It is about 550 square feet and the ugliest mobile home in the park. But we own it. There are no payments on it and the lot rent is $360 per month which covers water, sewer, and trash.. leaving us with roughly $1300 extra per month that can be put towards our other home remodel...once we get the mobile home livable of course.

We hope you will come along with us as we remodel our mobile home and our other home.  We will show the good, the bad, and the ugliest of ugly during our journey.  We hope to inspire others to think outside the box in life and allowing yourself to experience things you otherwise never could. 

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