Let your past make you better, not bitter.
It's been more than a month since my last post! But for good reason! The last few weeks of my pregnancy I was way too lazy to do anything around the mobile home and then finally Amelia Rae decided to arrive just in time for Christmas on December 17th at 1:55 AM.
Work is now going to be resuming on both the trailer and our house. Damien will be back to knocking down walls at the house and I'm going to continue to attempt to make this tiny house organized and cozy. Today we are going shopping for a new front door because the one we have now is really drafty...not to mention ugly as can be. Fun things (like new curtains and more paint) are on hold right now because our furnace didn't come on (of course) so we need to have it looked it at on Monday. I think we both expected it not to turn on because, well, we've replaced just about everything else in this place so why would the furnace just turn on for us when we needed it? We're staying cozy in here with 2 heaters. It doesn't take much to heat up 500 sq.ft. Damien is testing the thermostat today to double check that isn't bad. I'm crossing my fingers that is the problem but based on our experience with this place - it won't be that easy.
This morning Abigail asked why we had to live in a trailer while "everyone else" lives in a "regular house". She wasn't being negative but was simply just curious. For a few minutes I was sad but then I reminded myself why we chose to do this. Living in such small quarters you have to remind yourself quite often why you are making this choice and remind yourself that things will be easier in the long run because of your choice. It doesn't matter how positive you are or how much you love your family, it isn't always easy to live like this and some days are just plain hard. We gave up a lot in hopes that it would pay off. Eventually it will, and until then we just need to try our best to stay positive, even on those rough days.
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