Wednesday, May 11, 2016

All wealth is the product of labor.

We are almost done tearing up the flooring the in bedrooms! Now, the tedious job of pulling up all these weird tack things that were holding down the fake wood floor. I'm still wondering why someone would put fake wood over real wood? 

Next up is sanding them down. I can't wait!!

It's been fun taking up the floors because underneath there is old newspapers. Every time we get a section up it's like unwrapping a Christmas present. There is some cool stuff in those papers. 

The above picture is Caroline Kennedy with her dad, JFK. 

Hopefully the floors will all be done being torn up this weekend and then we will move on to something else. I don't know yet what that something else is, but I have a bad feeling it's going to be cleaning up the basement.  Scary, right? Good news is that we already got out that big mattress in this post. 

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