Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.
This weekend's work at the house kind of ended up being a bummer. We rented a floor sander on Saturday thinking we could get all the floors done. When we got it into the house we realized it didn't work properly and the hardware store had already closed. So, we ended up working on sanding walls and focusing on small areas that we hadn't done yet, like the landing and it's one million tacks still in the floor. I also finally pulled out all the tacks on the stairs. It's kind of boring right now because we are just doing tedious stuff like this but it all gets it closer to being done. Getting the floors sanded would have been awesome and really felt like we were getting somewhere, but that's the way it goes.
There were tons of tacks and tiny pieces of carpet padding on all the steps. It took me a couple weeks to finally sit down and pull them all out. It's hard work.
I also finally decided to start on the bathroom a little bit. It's really dirty but everything can be cleaned up and used which makes me really happy. There was a few odds and ends in there and when I went to throw away the bathmat I pulled it up and found this underneath.
It isn't the first dime I've found in this house. As a matter of fact, we have found several. Not everyone agrees or believes in finding dimes, but I do. Especially when I find one in such a strange place as under a bathmat. It immediately brought tears to my eyes. I don't know exactly who it is, but it makes me really happy.
If you don't know what I'm talking about.. here's a little info.
The Meaning of the Angel Number 10 (and Finding Dimes)
Seeing the number 10 (or finding dimes) is often a message of validation that you are receiving guidance and insight from your angels and from the realms of spirit. Release any fear or uncertainty and know that you are loved and supported. Things are working out for you for the highest and greatest good.
The #10 is also a call to pay attention, to trust your instinct and honor your intuition, especially regarding making changes to move forward in your life, and to take action to create positive change as you’re inspired. Part of making positive changes is keeping focused on what you want to manifest… Call on your angels to help align your thoughts with what you want to experience in your life.
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