Note to self: Stop expecting.
My biggest problem with this whole mobile home remodel is that I expect to accomplish too much in one day. I really need to stop doing that. Since I have realized I do this, I am also now expecting to live in the mobile home longer than I think we will so I'm not let down when all the projects at our house take way longer than we plan on them taking.I guess when you buy an older home as you start to remodel you uncover things underneath that need work, too. That is how things went for us today. We spent a solid eight hours working and I thought for sure when we got there this morning that by the end of the day the bathtub would be redone with new faucet, shower head and walls and that the window would be completed and last but not least that Abigail's room would be painted. The window is done. Ok, not done but it is installed and sturdy. Everything else I mentioned is a hot mess.
I promised in this blog to show my readers even the worst part of remodels. I am not going to gloss over the worst days. Here is how we ended our day in the bathroom..
Disgusting, right? And to think I thought we were going to leave there today with a sparkling clean like- new bathtub! You see the previous owner - I'm just gonna say it - was an idiot! There was a leak in the cold water pipe and he just took a ton of silicone over the pipe which did not fix anything. The water was also constantly running on the cold side as well. I'm guessing it had something to do with all the silicone. Anyways - it left Damien feeling like he had no choice but to cut out the entire faucet and pipe that runs up to the shower. It's all water damaged anyways so it probably ended up being a good thing he did that. Now we are heading to Home Depot or Lowe's tomorrow with this bad boy in tow to figure out what the hell we are supposed to do.
The biggest hold up of our day was that we could not find a shut-off valve anywhere. It was several hours before we finally located the main shut-off valve for the house. Also, in case you are wondering, there is tons of spiders under the skirting of a mobile home. Gross.
I don't want to end this post on a negative note - so I'll show some photos of the window that has been put in the back of the house. What is really fun about this window is that we bought it on sale for only $10! It wasn't quite the right size but Damien did a great job making it work. In the next few days he will make it look pretty but for now it's sealed up and sturdy and no more bugs will get in.
Here's to a better day tomorrow!
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